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Top 10 Internet related company in Japan

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Top 10 Internet related company in Japan

Japanese internet company

These are the Internet-related companies that are representative of Japanese Internet scene.

Please note that these choices have all been made based on the personal opinions of the author.

The following are brief introductions of each company and its business.

  1. Yahoo!Japan
    It may have lost out to Google in the field of searching, but it has kept its role as a representative portal website in Japan.
  2. Rakuten
    This site started as an electronic mall and has diversified into a comprehensive travel website, a portal website, finance, and other areas.
  3. Softbank
    This company’s CEO is a very well-known person, Mr. Masayoshi Son. It is in the process of transforming into Japan’s most cutting-edge investment firm, based on the foundation of its mobile-phone and communications businesses.
  4. Gung Ho
    This is a mobile game company that triggered the boom of smartphone gaming.
    This company runs a price-comparison website for all products and services. Also own the website “Tabelog”, a gourmet site with reviews from users.
  6. GMO Internet
    This is a holding company with a total of nine listed companies on stock exchange market, including in its main field of Internet infrastructure, as well as advertising, media, securities, and gaming.
  7. Cyber Agent
    This company provides a broad range of services, including Internet advertising, the “Ameblo” blog service, gaming, and curation websites.
  8. Mixi
    This company released the social networking service “Mixi” before Facebook became popular in Japan. This service developed its own unique community and still has many fans today.
  9. LINE
    This company provides a chat app that is compatible with smartphones and other devices. It has many fans who are hooked on its unique world, such as its emojis known as stickers.
  10. Mercari
    This company released an app supporting consumer-to-consumer (C-to-C) transactions, which have a market of over one trillion yen, and is popular among the younger generation. It is in the process of expanding into the US.

Japanese internet company data